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TELK Group Disclosure Information; Additional Information Available Upon Request 

Company Profile:

TELK Group (TELK) is a research platform that aggregates the best independent research providers (IRPs) and democratizes access to Wall-Street-level Institutional quality research. Neither TELK nor any person associated with TELK has any financial interest, beneficial interest, affiliation, or any other actual material conflict of interest in the securities of the subject companies.

Neither TELK nor any person associated with TELK seek to engage in or receive compensation from investment banking activities. No TELK employee receives compensation from any of the subject companies. TELK has no investment banking, advisory, or other relationships with the firms it covers and does not provide the target company with any pre-release of research reports or rating actions.

From time to time, TELK or the IRPs on the TELK platform may contact the issuer to verify factual items from public comments or published statements, but that interaction is mediated and monitored by the issuer's investor relations department. TELK or its IRPs do not trade in nor make markets in the securities mentioned in this report.       

The ratings, price targets, valuation methodologies, and company assessments reflect the opinion of the individual analyst and are subject to change at any time. This report is not in any sense a solicitation or offer of the purchase or sale of securities. The factual statements made within this report have been taken from sources we believe to be reliable, but such statements are made without any representation as to accuracy or completeness or otherwise.

This report is solely intended for informational purposes and is provided for institutional, professional, and retail investors who are expected to make their own investment decisions without over-reliance on this report. TELK or its IRPs do not have any liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of this research report.


TELK stock ratings:

Buy (BUY): The stock is expected to outperform the market by ten or more percentage points over the next 12 months, in the analyst's opinion.

Sell (SELL): The stock is expected to underperform the market by ten percentage points over the next 12 months, in the analyst's opinion. 

Hold (HOLD): The stock is expected to perform approximately in line with the market, plus or minus five percentage points in the next 12 months, in the analyst's opinion. 


This research is for our clients or prospects only. No part of this material may be copied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without any prior written consent of TELK Group, Inc. Additional information is available upon request. Copyright 2021-2023, TELK Group, Inc

*TELK is a financial technology firm, not a Broker/Dealer.  

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